Astrology Meets Politics: Harris vs. Trump – Who Wins?
Key Transits Impacting the 2024 Presidential Debate
With Mars now in the sign of Cancer through November 3rd, I couldn’t help but think about how the campaigns of the Republican and Democratic parties will play out under this energy. Mars in Cancer is action fueled by emotion. For some, this can manifest as "mama bear" energy—protecting those who are underrepresented, who have lost bodily autonomy, and who are marginalized in society. This kind of emotion can be filled with love and joy, becoming a warrior for peace and justice. However, as we know, there is a party fueling the fire, calling for civil unrest, if not all-out war. Unfortunately, some are leaning into the agitation of Mars in Cancer, channeling aggressive actions ignited by the emotion of hate—a powerful force that eventually implodes at its source.
A couple of months ago, an astrologer friend of mine and I were discussing our predictions. I told him that, at its core, it all comes down to good versus evil—a bold, simplistic statement that doesn’t capture the nuances. What is the root of hate and evil? It’s fear, which feeds into distrust. We cannot overlook the amount of fear that has been perpetuated in our society since Neptune entered Pisces. Historically, the old guard has used fear to “keep us in line.” But with Neptune, there’s an added twist of delusion. It’s as if those in power dug up the underworld and placed it on a tarnished silver platter, convincing some of us that there is a bounty, or that the bounty can only be found in the past. Neither is accurate, and this leads to the unease we feel today.
You may be wondering, shouldn’t astrologers be objective? How can they incorporate personal opinions into their predictions and readings? And to that, I would ask: how can they not? If you read the energy of what’s happening and understand its effects, it’s impossible not to be invested in the outcome. After all, astrologers and psychic mediums are human. We live this human experience and are deeply connected to the sacredness of Earth and its inhabitants. This is why I’m transparent and speak openly about my bias. I would be doing a disservice if I didn’t share the possibilities I see and the impacts of the current energy.
Am I accurate in what I’m reading? For the most part, yes. But energy can shift on a dime, and there are many layers to events, especially elections, where it goes beyond the candidates.
As of March this year, $162 million had already been funneled into our elections through dark money, and that was six months ago. Imagine the influence currently impacting the election. Dark money and the power behind it are difficult to read. It’s not just one special interest group—it’s a mixture of billionaires, corporate institutions, religious leaders, foreign influencers, and calculated disruptors. These forces thrive in chaos because a utopian society would strip them of their power. However, I still think there is relevance to reading what is shown and out in the open, hence, my take on the energy of the upcoming debate.
The Debate on September 10th: The Logistics
Now, let’s turn to the debate. While the outcome of the election is important, my focus is more on the debate itself and how it will unfold. The format of this debate will be similar to that of the Trump-Biden debate, which didn’t follow proper debate guidelines. It also seems that live fact-checking won’t be part of the event. The debate will take place on September 10th in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, hosted by ABC News at 9:00 PM EDT. Let’s start by examining the energy of the day.
September 10th, 9:00 PM – Energy of the Debate
The astrological energy on this day is intense, which could make for a more interesting debate than the one between Biden and Trump. The Sun is in Virgo and square to Jupiter in Gemini. This Mercurial tension suggests we can expect exaggerations and the wielding of influence. The Sun is also in opposition to retrograde Saturn in Pisces, creating a sense of isolation for the candidates, perhaps making them feel disconnected from the audience. The Sun's square to the Sagittarius Moon adds to the tension between the candidates and could reveal their internal stresses. If the candidates can remain detached from the emotional tension, this aspect may not have a significant effect. The Moon’s influence will focus more on generalities than specifics; quoting details won’t work for either candidate.
The Moon is sextile to Venus in Libra, creating an atmosphere of warmth and support, particularly for loved ones. However, the Moon is also in opposition to Jupiter, allowing ideas to flow freely, with an emphasis on overarching philosophies and freedom. The Moon’s square to Saturn could make one or both candidates appear out of touch—an influence that may affect the viewers more than the candidates themselves.
Mercury in Virgo will be sextile to Mars in Cancer, signaling that the candidates will be expected to present a plan for the future that addresses the needs of their constituents. The passion represented here will take on a protective tone, a hallmark of Mars in Cancer.
Venus in Libra is the star of the night, with harmonious aspects to the Moon and Jupiter. The focus will be on women’s issues, with Venus opposing Chiron. Any candidate who fails to address the rights of women, who make up 50% of the electorate, will be making a grave mistake. It’s also essential for the participants to focus on the economy and present an action plan that benefits the majority of citizens.
The chart of the start of the debate, set for 9:00 PM EDT in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Donald Trump: Analyzing His Chart
When I first look at Trump’s chart for this debate, Venus conjunct his Chiron stands out. It makes sense that his opponent, the person who could cause him discomfort, would be a woman under this transit. Additionally, with women’s issues at the forefront of this election, I see this as Trump’s Achilles’ heel. Venus is also conjunct his Jupiter in Libra and trine to his Uranus in Gemini, which could make him feel confident, but may lead to a lack of self-control in his responses. He might try to appeal to both sides of an issue but derail either due to a lack of clarity or by saying something that doesn’t resonate with anyone’s values.
Trump’s unpredictability is his hallmark. With Jupiter in Gemini conjunct his Uranus, North Node, and Sun, this is actually a favorable aspect for him in terms of energy, and the debate will feel fated. Trump is a natural performer, and Jupiter’s boost will bring that out. This could be an opportunity for him to make a fresh start. However, his overconfidence, paired with Uranus, could cause him to veer off into tangents that sabotage his chance to win others over.
The Sagittarius Moon, in conjunction with the South Node and his natal Moon, will give him a sense of invincibility. He’s likely to say many of the same things he’s been saying for the past decade—it’s his comfort zone. I don’t expect to hear anything new from him, and if we do, it will probably be irrelevant to the presidency.
His emotions may become inflated with Jupiter’s opposition, and his themes could focus more on his personal freedom than the freedoms of Americans. Although Jupiter makes a favorable aspect to his North Node, Saturn in Pisces squares this energy, and Trump may feel restricted by the debate format—especially with the microphone muted when Harris speaks. This Saturn energy can dampen Trump’s bravado.
Mars in Cancer is conjunct Trump’s Mercury and square his Neptune in Libra. Once again, his responses will be full of rhetoric, and facts will be irrelevant. Mars and Mercury suggest that Trump could be on the defensive, claiming that Harris’ comments were uncalled for or disrespectful, revealing his vulnerability. With Neptune retrograde, Trump’s responses may be fact-checked during the debate, even if not by the host but by Harris herself, forcing him into a defensive stance.
The transiting Virgo Sun will square Trump’s Sun, North Node, Uranus in Gemini, and his Sagittarius Moon. Although Jupiter boosts his energy, the square energy could make him feel that others are working against him. His behavior may spark disagreements—not just with Harris, but with those on his side.
Pluto in Capricorn is making a weak opposition to Trump’s Saturn and Venus in Cancer. His allegiance to the wealthy and powerful, including his history of tax cuts for the rich, will be questions he must address during the debate.
Kamala Harris: Analyzing Her Chart
The first transit that jumps out when looking at Kamala Harris’ chart is the Sun in Virgo, conjunct her natal Venus, Pluto, and Uranus. The Sun gives her a boost in personal power, mental acuity, and attractiveness as she expresses common values. However, the Sun’s opposition to her Pisces Chiron means her past pains will also give her strength during the debate, allowing her to connect with others through shared experiences.
Jupiter conjunct her North Node offers an opportunity for growth and expansion in her life path and public perception. However, Jupiter’s square to her natal Pluto and Venus in Virgo may mean some will still doubt her abilities and values, and her power could be challenged. My prediction is that Trump will attack her strength, raising questions about who she is and attempting to undermine her credibility.
The transiting Sagittarius Moon is square her Chiron in Pisces and her natal Uranus, Pluto, and Venus in Virgo. She will need to keep her emotions in check and may experience tension when discussing women’s issues and marginalized communities. Emotionally, she may have difficulty connecting with undecided voters or Trump supporters. Her task will be to convey that freedom for all doesn’t impede personal freedoms—a challenging message when fear dominates the conversation.
However, Mercury in Virgo conjunct her IC (Imum Coeli) and in opposition to her MC (Midheaven) and Saturn gives her a chance to sway some voters by focusing on life at home and employment issues. Mercury sextile her Mercury in Scorpio suggests that with controlled, passionate, and firm communication focused on the average American’s needs, she can gain traction. Her focus should be on why she can do the job, her understanding of the situation, and how she will implement a plan for the average American household, regardless of political affiliation.
Mars in Cancer makes favorable aspects to Harris' chart, trining her MC and Saturn. This energy allows her to step into a role of responsibility and leadership. Mars also trines her Mercury in Scorpio, giving her persuasive power and the ability to resonate with her audience. Regardless of how the debate goes, she will present herself as a leader who wants to protect and empower her constituents.
Pisces Saturn conjunct her Chiron, opposing her Uranus, Pluto, and Venus in Virgo, suggests that Harris will convey the struggles Americans face, especially regarding daily survival. The Saturn opposition to her Venus feels karmic, as if this debate is a chance for her to assert her individuality. She will need to balance her own originality and show that she is not Biden-Part-Two while at the same time showing respect to her mentor. With her autonomy and past experience, her role on this night is to demonstrate transformation from her past roles.
The Role of Saturn and Jupiter
Let’s face it, the election and the debate are more about society than the candidates themselves. The Presidency reflects what we value and who we connect with when choosing a leader.
My prediction is that after the debate, more people will feel that Kamala Harris represents them better than Donald Trump. With this debate format, I don’t expect a clear winner to emerge, and fact-checking won’t be completed until days later, with little coverage on the results. Fact-checking Donald Trump isn’t news anymore, nor are the results. He operates through rhetoric, not facts, and given his prominence in the zeitgeist for over a decade, those who follow him are likely to remain loyal to his messaging.
Saturn is in a favorable position for Harris during the debate. I know some of you have heard that Saturn is a malefic planet (a term I personally don’t subscribe to, as it overlooks the planet’s nuances). While Saturn is about limits, it also represents leadership, authority, and responsibility. During the debate, Saturn will be transiting Harris’ 10th house of career, while it will be moving through Trump’s 8th house of shared resources and finances (as well as other matters like lawsuits, contracts, taxes, and taboo subjects). Saturn’s transit through the 8th house can be challenging, and given Trump’s ongoing lawsuits and investigations, this energy will weigh heavily on him.
Regarding Jupiter, both candidates have it transiting houses that would be desirable during an election cycle. Trump’s Jupiter is moving through his 11th house, which rules networking, friendships, and group identity—in his case, it would be MAGA. The downside is that Trump prefers making decisions independently and doesn’t like taking advice from others. He risks isolating himself as he focuses on his own future, neglecting the importance of all American voters.
Harris, on the other hand, has Jupiter transiting her 1st house, expanding her presence and destiny. This transit is about stepping into the public eye and showing who you truly are to the world. It’s a time for gaining new experiences, and others are naturally drawn to you. Success comes more easily under this transit. As long as Harris acknowledges that her experiences are new and embraces learning from others, this transit can warm her to the American people and help her be in the right place at the right time.
In Summary
With the unique format of the debate, I don’t expect this event to move the needle significantly. However, if you are involved in politics, watching this debate may help you determine whether there’s any value in a muted microphone, no-audience format—and my guess would be no. I understand the need for these changes, given Trump’s past debate performances. In today’s world, it seems more effective to hold rallies, interviews, and perhaps town halls. It’s hard to predict if debates will hold the same significance in the future as they did in the past. Their heyday was during a time of newspapers and slower media formats, whereas today’s digital world makes them feel somewhat archaic. When Pluto moves back into Aquarius at the end of year, we may rethink how we obtain information and there is a likelihood, that media as we know will undergo a transformation.
I believe the night will favor Harris more than Trump, though both candidates face equally challenging and opportunistic transits. Trump’s legal baggage and eventual sentencing—delayed until after the election—cast a shadow over him, creating stress. Unlike 2016, when his victory seemed like a fluke, there’s now a sense of desperation to avoid potential incarceration. Beyond that, Trump faces hefty fines from the E. Jean Carroll case, as well as penalties from the NYC fraud case. All of this is Saturn transiting his 8th house, forcing him to take responsibility for his past actions.
Harris’ greatest challenge lies with the economy, particularly inflation in essential goods and housing. She’ll need to carefully explain what she and Biden are doing behind the scenes, while also outlining additional steps she would take. She is walking a tightrope, balancing the reality of a corrupt Supreme Court with the need to uphold the importance of American justice. For Harris, it’s a balancing act between addressing the current circumstances and advocating for change—a juxtaposition similar to the challenge Hillary Clinton faced in 2016. However, I personally feel that unlike Clinton, Harris has the capability of communicating more effectively and in my opinion, has the better transits compared to Trump to win the election.
Regardless of who is declared the winner or how the debate unfolds, one thing is certain: we have the opportunity to listen to both candidates side by side and compare their answers. It provides disengaged voters with a chance to learn more about each candidate and their platform positions. I expect this debate to be far more interesting than the one between Biden and Trump. But time will tell, but I am sure there will be social media posts about the debate while it is happening. At the worst, it will be meme worthy. At it’s best, it will be informative and helpful to the undecided or to those that were unaware of the vast differences in the two parties’ platforms.
What are your thoughts on the upcoming debate? Please share your views in the comments.
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Great read thank you!