Echoes of 1989: Two Leo Full Moons
Illuminating the Past, Understanding the Future - Leadership & the Cycles of Change
When I think of the sign of Leo, two polarities come to my head, the strong performer, up on stage, brassy and sassy, an entertaining diva who exudes confidence and attention. The other side though, is the gentle beast, such as the cowardly lion, who wants the courage to make change and be something royal and regal, garnering respect.
The Leo Full Moon has long been associated with kings, rulers, and those in power. It’s no wonder that in the United States, our presidents are usually inaugurated shortly before a Leo Full Moon. While Full Moons traditionally signify the culmination of a cycle, they also emphasize polarity—the relationship between opposing forces. When it comes to the full moon, we cannot separate the influence of the Sun, the other polarity in the equation. With the sun in Aquarius, the sign of individuality and nonconformity that is also humanitarian, we can see how our leaders in the United States will have a battle of who they serve- their own self-interest and beliefs or those of their populace.
I have been thinking about this full moon for the past couple of weeks—not because it is some monumental event, but because I have been unmotivated to write. The Mars retrograde in the sign of Cancer has put me in a weird space. Internally, my thoughts are examining the past and how it relates to the future. I have been almost obsessed with the 1980s—which, I am sure, my memories are glamorizing the era. But this morning, due to a Reddit post that I had to jump into and give my perspective, this article finally found some legs.
That feeling of inertia got me thinking about another time in history—one that, in the moment, didn’t feel like a major shift but, in hindsight, was brimming with transformation. As we examine the upcoming Leo Full Moon of February 12, 2025, we find intriguing historical echoes in the Leo Full Moon of January 21, 1989, which occurred shortly after George H.W. Bush’s inauguration.
Why 1989? The Saturn-Neptune Connection
I swear, when I refer to 1989 it doesn’t have anything to do with Taylor Swift; she was born two months after the Saturn-Neptune conjunction was exact. Though in her own personal life, I am sure she has seen some of the impact of this conjunction that occurs every 36.4 years. Though I don’t know Ms. Swift personally, it appears she has tapped into the positive side of this transit, which is to be secure enough not to be led astray by illusions. She stayed grounded in Capricorn’s discipline while navigating Neptune’s illusions—a perfect metaphor for how we, too, must find stability amid uncertainty. This is where the sign of Capricorn comes into play, and even as I delve into this aspect, I urge you to keep in mind that we make choices—sometimes unconsciously—on how particular aspects will play out.
So, how does the full moon of 1989 tie into the Saturn-Neptune conjunction? The Saturn-Neptune conjunction is an aspect associated with structural shifts in collective ideals, especially when it comes to health and our perspective. We can feel anxious and have a hard time determining what is and isn’t real. But things tend to appear worse than they really are—something to keep in mind as we move forward throughout this year.
These shifts weren’t just personal or cultural; they directly shaped policies, particularly in healthcare, as the optimism of Reagan’s America gave way to Bush’s more pragmatic approach. The ideals had shifted during Reagan’s administration, which went from a euphoric Americanism to a more prudent evaluation of what was happening in the United States. By the time Bush took office, Saturn had moved into Capricorn and eventually conjoined with Neptune.
We are about to witness something similar, but I must point out, the zodiac signs and other placements are quite different. We’ve been under Neptune’s haze in Pisces. We have people who have gone through similar experiences with drastically different perspectives. Though there were naysayers in the 1980s, collectively, we were working to uphold systems as opposed to tear them down in regard to the United States. Which makes sense when you observe that not only was Jupiter in opposition to the Saturn-Neptune conjunction, but it was also making conjunctions to the United States Sibley chart with Cancer Venus, Jupiter, and the Sun.
In 2025, while we will not see an exact Saturn-Neptune conjunction, this near-contact suggests a moment of ideological reckoning—one we’ll want to watch unfold in the coming years. This parallel invites us to explore themes of leadership, global power shifts, and public engagement in shaping policies—especially concerning healthcare and international diplomacy. Like the 1989 US Sibley Chart, we will experience Jupiter transiting the United States’ 8th house of shared resources. The difference here, though, is that the Saturn-Neptune conjunction will be in Aries, bringing a surge of action, confrontation, and new cycles—waking us up from the ideological slumber we've been in, regardless of political affiliation.
History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes. Under the light of the Leo Full Moon, we see echoes of the past—leaders shifting global alliances, economic upheavals, and ideological transformations. Just as the Cold War era brought power struggles and policy shifts, we now witness a new chapter unfolding. The players may change, but the cycles of leadership, conflict, and transformation continue—reshaped by time, yet unmistakably familiar.
From Isolationism to Globalization: Reagan vs. Bush
I am aware that many of my readers were either young or not born yet when Reagan and Daddy Bush were in office. Even though I lived through this time period, I had to jog my memory and examine the differences. Though both presidents were of the Republican Party, Bush, unlike Harris, was able to separate himself from Reagan by campaigning on “no new taxes”—a crucial stance in response to public frustration over Reagan’s corporate tax cuts. He managed to draw a distinction without disparaging a popular preceding president (though he also faced controversy with a political ad featuring William Horton, aligning with Reagan’s tough-on-crime approach).
Under Ronald Reagan’s presidency, the United States leaned toward isolationist policies, emphasizing national interests. However, as Mikhail Gorbachev became Prime Minister of the USSR, tensions of the Cold War began to thaw, leading to a more open global dialogue. This thaw aligned with Saturn's shift from Scorpio into Sagittarius, a transition that encouraged expanded diplomatic relations and ideological shifts between world leaders.
By the time Bush took office in 1989, global dynamics had changed enough for him to introduce the concept of a New World Order—a framework that sought greater international cooperation and diplomacy. The United States now had a new ally in the Soviet Union, a stark contrast to just six years earlier when Reagan had referred to them as the Evil Empire.
Similarly, in 2025, the United States will find itself at another crossroads of foreign relations and domestic policies. The political landscape has shifted significantly, particularly with Donald Trump’s agenda and Project 2025, which appears to move away from global cooperation and instead redefines U.S. influence on the world stage. This mirrors the transition from Reagan’s isolationism to Bush’s globalism, but with reversed momentum.
Yet, what remains uncertain is the evolving relationship between the United States and Russia, and the influence between Putin and Trump. With tensions between the two nations continuing to evolve, the nature of their relationship remains an open question—one that may define America’s foreign policy in the coming years. Most likely, we won’t have a clear vision of this relationship until Neptune moves into Aries on March 30, 2025. However, Mercury and Venus will both be retrograde in Pisces at that time, adding layers of confusion and uncertainty. We may not fully grasp the implications until mid-summer of 2025, as all the outer planets shift into new signs, setting the stage for a new ideological and geopolitical era.
Healthcare: Then and Now
Another striking similarity between 1989 and 2025 is the evolution of healthcare policies.
In the 1980s, the Reagan administration implemented significant restrictions on federal healthcare funding and mental health services, favoring privatization and cost-cutting measures. One major change involved how much Medicare would reimburse doctors and hospitals for services. Medicaid, established in 1965 while Saturn was in Pisces as part of President Johnson’s Great Society, was designed to assist those unable to afford insurance.
Through the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, Reagan reduced federal Medicaid payments to states by 4.5% to curb federal spending on social programs. In addition to funding reductions, co-pays were introduced for some services.
At the time, Reagan framed these cuts as fiscal responsibility, a stance reinforced by Jupiter’s conjunction to Saturn in Libra—a planetary alignment that emphasizes balance, fairness, and economic prudence. However, there were some targeted Medicaid expansions, including provisions allowing states to extend coverage to children with significant disabilities who received care at home, regardless of their parents' income.
The irony here is that while Reagan’s administration cut federal healthcare spending by 25%—deeply impacting vulnerable populations—defense spending surged by 35%. Yet, because the defense budget was already much larger, the total increase in military funding far exceeded the amount cut from healthcare—reinforcing the administration’s prioritization of global military strength over domestic well-being. What is fair and just is ultimately determined by those who control the purse strings.
Unlike Reagan, Bush expanded access to healthcare and worked to cover pre-existing conditions, in part due to activism from groups like ACT UP, which pressured the government to address the AIDS crisis. Despite Bush’s healthcare expansions, American citizens—struggling with rising costs and the lingering effects of trickle-down economics—grew increasingly frustrated with the economy.
Bush also increased funding to the National Institutes of Health by 30% for lifesaving research, expanded Medicaid to cover pregnant women and children, and signed into law the Americans with Disabilities Act. While defense spending still increased, it was Bush’s “no new taxes” pledge—and his later reversal—that contributed to his failure to secure a second term.
In 1992, the Social Security tax rate rose by 0.5%, increasing the worker’s share from 7.15% to 7.65%. Previously, Social Security and Medicare appeared as a single line item on paycheck stubs, but with this increase, the two were separated into distinct deductions, causing confusion and outrage among workers already frustrated by the recession.
Trump’s healthcare proposals—though vague—suggest a potential rollback of pre-existing condition protections, increased insurance market deregulation, and a reduced role for federal healthcare programs. With Saturn in Pisces until February 13, 2026 (minus its summer stint into Aries) and ongoing uncertainty in public health policies, the question remains: Will we see a resurgence in civic activism, as we did in the late 1980s?
If anything has the power to unify citizens in the coming years, it may well be healthcare—an issue that transcends political divides and impacts us all.
Key Themes for the 2025 Leo Full Moon
You may be wondering why I explored history before discussing the Leo Full Moon. Much of this has to do with our current state of uncertainty. Every day, we hear about federal agencies on the chopping block, data privacy breaches, and tech billionaires inserting themselves into political spheres. Elon Musk appears on the cover of Time Magazine, seated behind the President’s desk. This Leo Full Moon illuminates the condition of the United States, with many asking: "Who holds power, and how are they wielding it?"
Though this is the second Full Moon of the calendar year, it is the first under the new administration. We are witnessing a frenzy of “shock and awe” executive orders, many of which will either face delays or fail to stick. The focus is on theatrics rather than long-term consequences. If Leo represents boldness, performance, and spectacle, well—that’s exactly what we’re seeing. Unfortunately, unless you are actively seeking out reputable news sources like AP News, you may feel as though a horrific Greek tragedy is unfolding before your eyes—one where everyone meets a cruel fate.
However, this Leo Full Moon serves as a wake-up call—a reminder to be discerning about where we get our information and what we allow to shape our subconscious beliefs.
Looking back at the 1980s and early 1990s may provide insight, though the present era is shaped by unique leaders, policies, and economic conditions. What our country prioritizes in spending and tax cuts for the wealthy can be traced back to Reaganomics, a legacy that still defines today’s economic debates.
The Leo Full Moon won’t change the current state of affairs, but it does offer a moment of reflection, allowing us to connect past patterns to future possibilities.
Here are key themes to consider under this lunation:
Polarity Between Isolation and Globalism – Are we moving toward cooperation or further division?
Healthcare Access – Will there be expanded coverage, or further restrictions?
The Role of Civic Movements – Will public pressure influence policy, as it did in the 1980s?
Much has changed since 1989, but what does the Leo Full Moon illuminate in your own life?
Under the Leo Full Moon, the call to step into our power grows louder. This lunation illuminates courage, authenticity, and leadership—reminding us that history may repeat, but we have the power to shape how we respond. Are you ready to claim your role in the unfolding story?
The Leo Full Moon Illuminations by Rising Sign:
This is not a horoscope in the predictive sense, but rather a moment of reflection—an opportunity to bring to light what is currently unfolding in your life and identify remedies that align with you. The Leo Full Moon highlights different areas for each rising sign, but I encourage you to read this entire section rather than just your sign. Another area of your life may be calling for attention, and the questions presented here can help you gain deeper insight into your journey.
Aries Rising: Creativity, Passion & Self-Expression (5th House)
What’s illuminated: Your personal joy, creative projects, romance, and how you express yourself.
Where to find clues: Look at recent shifts in your creative work, romantic life, or personal passions.
Guiding question: How can you bring more authentic self-expression and joy into your daily life?
Taurus Rising: Home, Family & Foundations (4th House)
What’s illuminated: Your personal life, family, and emotional security.
Where to find clues: Think about recent changes in your home, living situation, or family dynamics.
Guiding question: What does true emotional security mean to you, and how can you nurture it?
Gemini Rising: Communication, Learning & Perspective (3rd House)
What’s illuminated: How you communicate, process information, and share your voice.
Where to find clues: Have there been shifts in how you express yourself, write, or engage with your local environment?
Guiding question: How can you refine your message and mindset to better align with your truth?
Cancer Rising: Money, Values & Self-Worth (2nd House)
What’s illuminated: Your finances, personal resources, and sense of worth.
Where to find clues: Look at patterns in your financial decisions, spending, and what you truly value.
Guiding question: Are your financial choices supporting your long-term stability and self-worth?
Leo Rising: Identity, Visibility & Personal Power (1st House)
What’s illuminated: YOU—your personal identity, self-image, and the way you show up in the world.
Where to find clues: Think about how you've been stepping into (or shying away from) your power.
Guiding question: How can you fully embrace your confidence and authenticity?
Virgo Rising: Healing, Rest & The Subconscious (12th House)
What’s illuminated: Your inner world, mental health, and spiritual well-being.
Where to find clues: Have you been feeling burned out or needing more solitude?
Guiding question: What do you need to release in order to feel more peace and clarity?
Libra Rising: Community, Friendships & Future Goals (11th House)
What’s illuminated: Your social circles, networking, and long-term aspirations.
Where to find clues: Consider your friendships and the communities you're involved in.
Guiding question: Are your connections and goals aligned with your true desires?
Scorpio Rising: Career, Reputation & Ambition (10th House)
What’s illuminated: Your career path, leadership, and public image.
Where to find clues: Have there been recent shifts in your job, ambitions, or professional visibility?
Guiding question: What steps can you take to solidify your leadership and long-term success?
Sagittarius Rising: Expansion, Travel & Higher Learning (9th House)
What’s illuminated: Your beliefs, education, and long-term vision.
Where to find clues: Have you been craving a shift in perspective or a new adventure?
Guiding question: How can you expand your mind or environment in a way that feels meaningful?
Capricorn Rising: Transformation, Power & Shared Resources (8th House)
What’s illuminated: Deep emotional growth, financial ties, and major life changes.
Where to find clues: Think about your relationships with trust, control, and personal evolution.
Guiding question: What do you need to release in order to step into your full power?
Aquarius Rising: Relationships & Commitments (7th House)
What’s illuminated: Your one-on-one relationships—romantic, business, and personal.
Where to find clues: Consider the balance in your partnerships and how you're showing up in them.
Guiding question: Are your relationships supporting your personal growth?
Pisces Rising: Health, Routines & Daily Habits (6th House)
What’s illuminated: Your well-being, work habits, and daily responsibilities.
Where to find clues: Have you been neglecting your physical or mental health?
Guiding question: What small daily adjustments could lead to greater stability and vitality?
Final Thoughts
Do not expect immediate clarity right now. Instead, use this time to reflect on your own life and take control of your media space. This is a period for examining the past—not through the same lens you wore back then, but with fresh awareness and perspective.
Though we experience a Leo Full Moon every year, it is only once every 4 to 8 years that it coincides with a shift in U.S. administrations. When we look back at similar zodiacal placements in history, we can begin to trace patterns and gain insight into where we may be headed.
I am not telling you to downplay current events, nor should we ignore the significant shifts unfolding. However, it is just as crucial to gain perspective beyond the immediacy of the moment—to step back, observe, and consider the broader cycles at play.
Be careful not to get too settled into the current energy. This year will be a rollercoaster of sorts, with Venus and Mercury retrograde in March, followed by Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune changing zodiac signs—a rare and powerful series of transitions. These shifts will make 2025 a year that historians and astrologers alike will study for years to come.
We can look at these changes with dread, or instead, choose to embrace this period as an opportunity—a chance to grow and transform like never before.
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Thanks for sharing this flashback to the 1980s. I remember when Reagan came into office. I was working for the Federal government in DC at the time. The main thing I remember from this period is that several of my office co-workers and I decided to stop smoking cannabis because of the admin's "just say no" drug policy. No, we didn't smoke at work, but one of my office mates lived nearby and we would go to her apartment at lunch, have a quick joint, and then return to work. But we didn't want to get caught so we let it go.
As for this full moon being in my 10th house, I've gone back and forth about what I want to do next career wise, despite the fact that I'm technically retired. But nothing has solidified yet. I thought I wanted to start a proofreading biz to bring in some extra money and let go of the sewing which is physically demanding. I'm sure I'll continue to write, but I'm also focused on doing what I'm passionate about, not just to make some extra cash. I guess I'll have to wait and see.