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This is one of the best descriptions of Capricorn I've ever read. It makes me even like the sign (just joking ๐Ÿ˜). The stories about your Capricorn family members and friends helped me see the positive side of the sign.

I was always the responsible one in my family growing up. It was probably my Saturn at 12 Virgo in the 11th (along with Mars, Juno, and another asteroid whose name escapes me at the moment). I even had a high school teacher who put me in charge one time, saying that I was the most responsible.

With Scorpio rising, it falls on my empty third house cusp and is part of a T-square (mostly by sign as the aspects are wide - but I can still feel it!) involving Jupiter at 5 degrees Pisces in late 4th house (wide square) and the Moon at 6 degrees Gemini in the 8th. Add Chiron/Hygeia at 20 degrees Sag in the 2nd to the mix, and you've almost got the makings for a grand trine.

I will say that my mom had a strong Capricorn influence on me. I'm pretty sure her Moon (and maybe even her rising sign) was in Capricorn even though I don't know her birth time. She made sure everything was running smoothly in the house because "what would the neighbors think" if anything was out of order when they visited. Her Saturn was retrograde in Virgo, so the house was always spotless. My Cancer dad was the nurturer.

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